About me

My name is Jordan Wilmot and I live in Bedfordshire, England. I'm a 16 year-old and I don't know what I want to do or be when I'm older, although I would love it to be something to do with Spanish. I came up with the name porcel4in-sket as the title for this blog because it is the same as my tumblr name, so it ties the two together. I didn't know what to call my tumblr so I just used the color of my foundation and sket followed.

This is a blog showing outfits I've put together, my day to day life and some hauls. I wanted to make a blog to express my inspirations and share with people I like and maybe inspire others. Fashion blogging is becoming a huge network and I thought it was time for me to be part of it.

I live in a small village in Bedfordshire, I often travel to London as my mum and I both share a love for fashion and and also because of the atmosphere! London is an amazing place for fashion; street fashion and vintage fashion playing a huge part.

Other things about me...
The date for you all to remember is the 15th of February, I shall be expecting gifts from you all, haha!

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